Internet Info 1994 March
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Network Working Group Wengyik Yeong
INTERNET-DRAFT Performance Systems International
Tim Howes
University of Michigan
Steve Hardcastle-Kille
University College London
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1. Status of this Memo
This draft document will be submitted to the RFC Editor as a standards
document. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Please send comments
to the authors, or the discussion group <osi-ds@cs.ucl.ac.uk>.
This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working docu-
ments of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its
Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working docu-
ments as Internet Drafts).
Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months.
Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other docu-
ments at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as
reference material or to cite them other than as a "working draft" or
"work in progress."
Please check the I-D abstract listing contained in each Internet Draft
directory to learn the current status of this or any other Internet
2. Abstract
The tremendous interest in X.500 [1,2] technology in the Internet has
lead to efforts to reduce the high ``cost of entry'' associated with use
of the technology, such as the Directory Assistance Service [3] and
DIXIE [4]. While efforts such as these have met with success, they have
been solutions based on particular implementations and as such have lim-
ited applicability. This document continues the efforts to define
Directory protocol alternatives but departs from previous efforts in
that it consciously avoids dependence on particular implementations.
The protocol described in this document is the first of a series of pro-
tocols designed to provide access to the Directory while not incurring
the resource requirements of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP). This
protocol is specifically targeted at simple management applications and
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browser applications that provide simple read/write interactive access
to the Directory, and is intended to be a complement to the DAP itself.
3. Protocol Model
The general model adopted by this protocol is one of clients performing
protocol operations against servers. In this model, this is accomplished
by a client transmitting a protocol request describing the operation to
be performed to a server, which is then responsible for performing the
necessary operations on the Directory. Upon completion of the necessary
operations, the server returns a response containing any results or
errors to the requesting client. In keeping with the goal of easing the
costs associated with use of the Directory, it is an objective of this
protocol to minimize the complexity of clients so as to facilitate
widespread deployment of applications capable of utilizing the Direc-
Note that, although servers are required to return responses whenever
such responses are defined in the protocol, there is no requirement for
synchronous behavior on the part of either client or server implementa-
tions: requests and responses for multiple operations may be exchanged
by client and servers in any order, as long as clients eventually
receive a response for every request that requires one.
Consistent with the model of servers performing protocol operations on
behalf of clients, it is also to be noted that protocol servers are
expected to handle referrals without resorting to the return of such
referrals to the client. This protocol makes no provisions for the
return of referrals to clients, as the model is one of servers ensuring
the performance of all necessary operations in the Directory, with only
final results or errors being returned by servers to clients.
This protocol is designed to run over connection-oriented, reliable
transports, with all 8 bits in an octet being significant in the data
stream. Server implementations running over the TCP should provide a
protocol listener on port xxx.
4. Elements of Protocol
For the purposes of protocol exchanges, all protocol operations are
encapsulated in a common envelope, the LDAPMessage, which is defined as
LDAPMessage ::=
messageID MessageID,
protocolOp CHOICE {
bindRequest BindRequest,
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bindResponse BindResponse,
unbindRequest UnbindRequest
searchRequest SearchRequest,
searchResponse SearchResponse,
modifyRequest ModifyRequest,
modifyResponse ModifyResponse,
addRequest AddRequest,
addResponse AddResponse,
delRequest DelRequest,
delResponse DelResponse,
modifyRDNRequest ModifyRDNRequest,
modifyRDNResponse ModifyRDNResponse,
compareDNRequest CompareRequest,
compareDNResponse CompareResponse,
abandonRequest AbandonRequest
MessageID ::= INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt)
The function of the LDAPMessage is to provide a envelope containing com-
mon fields required in all protocol exchanges. At this time the only
common field is a message ID, which is required to have a value greater
than the value of the ID field of any previous request directed by an
LDAP client to a given server in a single LDAP session.
The message ID value must be echoed in all LDAPMessage envelopes encap-
sulting responses corresponding to the request contained in the LDAPMes-
sage in which the message ID value was originally used.
In addition to the LDAPMessage defined above, the following definitions
are also used in defining protocol operations:
The IA5String is a notational convenience to indicate that, although
strings of IA5String type encode as OCTET STRING types, the legal char-
acter set in such strings is limited to the IA5 character set.
LDAPDN ::= IA5String
RelativeLDAPDN ::= IA5String
An LDAPDN and a RelativeLDAPDN are respectively defined to be the
representation of a Distinguished Name and a Relative Distinguished Name
after encoding according to the specification in [5], such that
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<distinguished-name> ::= <name>
<relative-distinguished-name> ::= <name-component>
where <name> and <name-component> are as defined in [5].
AttributeValueAssertion ::=
attributeType AttributeType
attributeValue AttributeValue
The AttributeValueAssertion type definition is similar to the one in
the Directory standards.
AttributeType ::= IA5String
AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
An AttributeType value takes on as its value the textual string associ-
ated with that AttributeType in the Directory standards. For example,
the AttributeType 'organizationName' with object identifier is
represented as an AttributeType in this protocol by the string ``organ-
izationName''. In the event that a protocol implementation encounters
an Attribute Type with which it cannot associate a textual string, an
ASCII string encoding of the object identifier associated with the
Attribute Type may be subsitituted. For example, the organizationName
AttributeType may be represented by the ASCII string "" if a
protocol implementation is unable to associate the string ``organiza-
tionName'' with it.
A field of type AttributeValue takes on as its value an octet string
encoding of a Directory AttributeValue type. The definition of these
string encodings for different Directory AttributeValue types may be
found in companions to this document that define the encodings of vari-
ous attribute syntaxes such as [6].
LDAPResult ::=
resultCode ENUMERATED {
success (0),
operationsError (1),
protocolError (2),
timeLimitExceeded (3),
sizeLimitExceeded (4),
compareFalse (5),
compareTrue (6),
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authMethodNotSupported (7),
strongAuthRequired (8),
noSuchAttribute (10),
invalidAttributeSyntax (11),
undefinedAttributeType (12),
inappropriateMatching (13),
constraintViolation (14),
attributeOrValueExists (15),
noSuchObject (20),
aliasProblem (21),
invalidAttributeSyntax (22),
isLeaf (23),
aliasDereferencingProblem (24),
inappropriateAuthentication (30),
invalidCredentials (31),
insufficientAccessRights (32),
busy (33),
unavailable (34),
unwillingToPerform (35),
loopDetect (36),
namingViolation (40),
objectClassViolation (41),
notAllowedOnNonLeaf (42),
notAllowedOnRDN (43),
entryAlreadyExists (44),
objectClassModsProhibited (45),
other (50)
errorMessage IA5String
The LDAPResult is the construct used in this protocol to return success
or failure indications from servers to clients. In response to various
requests, servers will return responses containing fields of type
LDAPResult to indicate the final status of a protocol operation request.
The errorMessage field of this construct may, at the servers option, be
used to return an ASCII string containing a textual, human-readable
error diagnostic. If the server chooses not to return a textual diagnos-
tic, the errorMessage field of the LDAPResult type should contain a zero
length string.
4.1. Bind Operation
The function of the Bind Operation is to initiate a protocol session
between a client and a server, and to allow the authentication of the
client to the server. The Bind Operation must be the first operation
request received by a server from a client in a protocol session. The
Bind Request is defined as follows:
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BindRequest ::=
version INTEGER (1 .. 127),
name LDAPDN,
authentication CHOICE {
simple [0] OCTET STRING
Parameters of the Bind Request are:
- version: A version number indicating the version of the protocol to
be used in this protocol session. Currently, the only legal value
of this field is the numeric value 1.
- name: The name of the Directory object that the client wishes to
bind as. This field may take on a null value for the purposes of
anonymous binds.
- authentication: information used to authenticate the name, if any,
provided in the Bind Request. The ``simple'' authentication option
provides minimal authentication facilities, with the contents of
the authentication field consisting only of a cleartext password.
This option should be used when unauthenticated or anonymous binds
are to be performed, with the field containing a zero length string
in such cases. In instances when better authentication facilities
are required, the 'krbv42LDAP' and 'krbv42DSA' options should be
used, with the fields containing values as returned by the KERBEROS
[7] krb_mk_req() calls. Kerberos version 4 authentication to the
LDAP server and the DSA is accomplished by using the ``krbv42LDAP''
and ``krbv42DSA'' authentication options, respectively. Each octet
string should contain the kerberos ticket (e.g., as returned by
krb_mk_req()) for the appropriate service. The suggested service
name for authentication to the LDAP server is "ldapserver". The
suggested service name for authentication to the DSA is "x500dsa".
In both cases, the suggested instance name for the service is the
name of the host on which the service is running. Of course, the
actual service names and instances will depend on what is entered
in the local kerberos principle database.
The Bind Operation requires a response, the Bind Response, which is
defined as:
BindResponse ::= [APPLICATION 1] LDAPResult
A Bind Response consists simply of an indication from the server of the
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status of the client's request for the initiation of a protocol session.
Upon receipt of a Bind Request, a protocol server will authenticate the
requesting client if necessary, and attempt to set up a protocol session
with that client. The server will then return a Bind Response to the
client indicating the status of the session setup request.
4.2. Unbind Operation
The function of the Unbind Operation is to terminate a protocol session.
The Unbind Operation is defined as follows:
UnbindRequest ::= [APPLICATION 2] NULL
The Unbind Operation has no response defined. Upon transmission of an
UnbindRequest, a protocol client may assume that the protocol session is
terminated. Upon receipt of an UnbindRequest, a protocol server may
assume that the requesting client has terminated the session and that
all outstanding requests may be discarded.
4.3. Search Operation
The Search Operation allows a client to request that a search be per-
formed on its behalf by a server. The Search Request is defined as fol-
SearchRequest ::=
baseObject LDAPDN,
baseObject (0),
singleLevel (1),
wholeSubtree (2)
derefAliases ENUMERATED {
neverDerefAliases (0),
derefInSearching (1),
derefFindingBaseObj (2),
derefAlways (3)
sizeLimit INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt),
timeLimit INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt),
attrsOnly BOOLEAN,
filter Filter,
attributes SEQUENCE OF AttributeType
Filter ::=
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and [0] SET OF Filter,
or [1] SET OF Filter,
not [2] Filter,
equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
substrings [4] SubstringFilter,
greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
present [7] AttributeType,
approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion
type AttributeType,
initial [0] IA5String,
any [1] IA5String,
final [2] IA5String
Parameters of the Search Request are:
- baseObject: A LDAPDN that is the base object entry relative to
which the search is to be performed.
- scope: An indicator of the scope of the search to be performed. The
semantics of the possible values of this field are identical to the
semantics of the scope field in the Directory Search Operation.
- derefAliases: An indicator as to how alias objects should be han-
dled in searching. The semantics of the possible values of this
field are, in order of increasing value:-
neverDerefAliases: don't dereference aliases in searching
or in locating the base object of the search;
derefInSearching: dereference aliases in subordinates of
the base object in searching, but not in locating the
base object of the search;
derefFindingBaseObject: dereference aliases in locating
the base object of the search, but not when searching
subordinates of the base object;
derefAlways: dereference aliases both in searching and in
locating the base object of the search.
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- sizelimit: A sizelimit that restricts the maximum number of entries
to be returned as a result of the search. A value of 0 in this
field indicates that no sizelimit restrictions are in effect for
the search.
- timelimit: A timelimit that restricts the maximum time (in seconds
allowed for a search). A value of 0 in this field indicates that no
timelimit restrictions are in effect for the search.
- attrsOnly: An indicator as to whether search results should contain
both attribute types and values, or just attribute types.
- filter: A filter that defines the conditions that must be fulfilled
in order for the search to match a given entry.
- attributes: A list of the attributes from each entry found as a
result of the search to be returned. An empty list signifies that
all attributes from each entry found in the search are to be
The results of the search attempted by the server upon receipt of a
Search Request are returned in Search Responses, defined as follows:
Search Response ::=
objectName LDAPDN,
SET OF AttributeValue
resultCode [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult
Upon receipt of a Search Request, a server will perform the necessary
search of the DIT.
The server will return to the client a sequence of responses comprised
- Zero or more Search Responses each consisting of an entry found
during the search; with the response sequence terminated by
- A single Search Response containing an indication of success, or
detailing any errors that have occurred.
Each entry returned will contain all attributes, complete with
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associated values if necessary, as specified in the 'attributes' field
of the Search Request.
4.4. Modify Operation
The Modify Operation allows a client to request that a modification of
the DIB be performed on its behalf by a server. The Modify Request is
defined as follows:
ModifyRequest ::=
object LDAPDN,
operation ENUMERATED {
add (0),
delete (1),
replace (2)
modification SEQUENCE {
type AttributeType,
values SET OF
Parameters of the Modify Request are:
- object: The object to be modified. The Distinguished Name value of
this field should name the object to be modified after all aliases
have been dereferenced. The server will not perform any alias dere-
ferencing in determining the object to be modified.
- A list of modifications to be performed on the entry to be modi-
fied. The entire list of entry modifications should be performed
in the order they are listed, as a single atomic operation. While
individual modifications may violate the Directory schema, the
resulting entry after the entire list of modifications is performed
must conform to the requirements of the Directory schema. The
values that may be taken on by the 'operation' field in each modif-
ication construct have the following semantics respectively:-
add: add values listed to the given attribute, creating
the attribute if necessary;
delete: delete values listed from the given attribute,
removing the entire attribute if no values are listed;
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replace: replace existing values of the given attribute
with the new values listed, creating the attribute if
The result of the modify attempted by the server upon receipt of a
Modify Request is returned in a Modify Response, defined as follows:
ModifyResponse ::= [APPLICATION 7] LDAPResult
Upon receipt of a Modify Request, a server will perform the necessary
modifications to the DIB.
The server will return to the client a single Modify Response indicating
either the successful completion of the DIB modification, or the reason
that the modification failed. Note that due to the requirement for atom-
icity in applying the list of modifications in the Modify Request, the
client may expect that no modifications of the DIB have been performed
if the Modify Response received indicates any sort of error, and that
all requested modifications have been performed if the Modify Response
indicates successful completion of the Modify Operation.
4.5. Add Operation
The Add Operation allows a client to request the addition of an entry
into the Directory. The Add Request is defined as follows:
AddRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
type AttributeType,
values SET OF AttributeValue
Parameters of the Add Request are:
- entry: the Distinguished Name of the entry to be added. Note that
all components of the name except for the last RDN component must
exist for the add to succeed.
- attrs: the list of attributes that make up the content of the entry
being added.
The result of the add attempted by the server upon receipt of a Add
Request is returned in the Add Response, defined as follows:
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AddResponse ::= [APPLICATION 9] LDAPResult
Upon receipt of an Add Request, a server will attempt to perform the add
requested. The result of the add attempt will be returned to the client
in the Add Response.
4.6. Delete Operation
The Delete Operation allows a client to request the removal of an entry
from the Directory. The Delete Request is defined as follows:
DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN
The Delete Request consists only of the Distinguished Name of the entry
to be deleted. The result of the delete attempted by the server upon
receipt of a Delete Request is returned in the Delete Response, defined
as follows:
DelResponse ::= [APPLICATION 11] LDAPResult
Upon receipt of a Delete Request, a server will attempt to perform the
entry removal requested. The result of the delete attempt will be
returned to the client in the Delete Response. Note that only leaf
objects may be deleted with this operation.
4.7. Modify RDN Operation
The Modify RDN Operation allows a client to change the last component of
the name of an entry in the Directory. The Modify RDN Request is defined
as follows:
ModifyRDNRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
newrdn RelativeLDAPDN
Parameters of the Modify RDN Request are:
- entry: the name of the entry to be changed.
- newrdn: the RDN that will form the last component of the new name.
The result of the name change attempted by the server upon receipt of a
Modify RDN Request is returned in the Modify RDN Response, defined as
ModifyRDNResponse ::= [APPLICATION 13] LDAPResult
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Upon receipt of a Modify RDN Request, a server will attempt to perform
the name change. The result of the name change attempt will be returned
to the client in the Modify RDN Response. The attributes that make up
the old RDN are not deleted from the entry.
4.8. Compare Operation
The Compare Operation allows a client to compare an assertion provided
with an entry in the Directory. The Compare Request is defined as fol-
CompareRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
ava AttributeValueAssertion
Parameters of the Compare Request are:
- entry: the name of the entry to be compared with.
- ava: the assertion with which the entry is to be compared.
The result of the compare attempted by the server upon receipt of a Com-
pare Request is returned in the Compare Response, defined as follows:
CompareResponse ::= [APPLICATION 15] LDAPResult
Upon receipt of a Compare Request, a server will attempt to perform the
requested comparison. The result of the comparison will be returned to
the client in the Compare Response. Note that errors and the result of
comparison are all returned in the same construct.
4.9. Abandon Operation
The function of the Abandon Operation is to allow a client to request
that the server abandon an outstanding operation. The Abandon Request
is defined as follows:
AbandonRequest ::= [APPLICATION 16] MessageID
There is no response defined in the Abandon Operation. Upon transmission
of an Abandon Operation, a client may expect that the operation identi-
fied by the Message ID in the Abandon Request has been abandoned. In the
event that a server receives an Abandon Request on a Search Operation in
the midst of transmitting responses to that search, that server should
cease transmitting responses to the abandoned search immediately.
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5. Protocol Element Encodings
The protocol elements of LDAP are encoded for exchange using the Basic
Encoding Rules (BER) of ASN.1. However, due to the high overhead
involved in using certain elements of the BER, the following additional
restrictions are placed on BER-encodings of LDAP protocol elements:
(1) Only the definite form of length encoding will be used.
(2) Bitstrings and octet strings will be encoded in the primitive form
6. Security Considerations
This version of the protocol provides facilities only for simple authen-
tication using a cleartext password.
7. Bibliography
[1] The Directory: Overview of Concepts, Models and Service
CCITT; Recommendation X.500, 1988
[2] Information Processing Systems -- Open Systems Interconnection --
The Directory: Overview of Concepts, Models and Service
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC21; International Standard 9594-1, 1988
[3] Directory Assistance Service
M.T. Rose; RFC 1202, February 1991.
[4] DIXIE protocol specification
T. Howes, M. Smith, B. Beecher; RFC1249, August 1991.
[5] A String Representation of Distinguished Names
Steve Hardcastle-Kille; OSI-DS document 23
[6] The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes
T. Howes, S. Hardcastle-Kille, W. Yeong, C.J. Robbins; OSI-DS docu-
ment 27
[7] Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System
S.P. Miller, B.C. Neuman, J.I. Schiller, J.H. Saltzer; MIT Project
Athena Documentation Section E.2.1, December 1987
[8] The Directory: Models
CCITT; Recommendation X.501
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC21; International Standard 9594-2, 1988
[10] The Directory: Abstract Service Definition
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CCITT; Recommendation X.511
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC21; International Standard 9594-3, 1988
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Appendix A
Complete ASN.1 Definition
Lightweight-Directory-Access-Protocol DEFINITIONS ::=
LDAPMessage ::=
messageID MessageID,
-- unique id in request,
-- to be echoed in response(s)
protocolOp CHOICE {
searchRequest SearchRequest,
searchResponse SearchResponse,
modifyRequest ModifyRequest,
modifyResponse ModifyResponse,
addRequest AddRequest,
addResponse AddResponse,
delRequest DelRequest,
delResponse DelResponse,
modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
modifyDNResponse ModifyDNResponse,
compareDNRequest CompareRequest,
compareDNResponse CompareResponse,
bindRequest BindRequest,
bindResponse BindResponse,
abandonRequest AbandonRequest,
unbindRequest UnbindRequest
BindRequest ::=
version INTEGER (1 .. 127),
-- current version is 1
name LDAPDN,
-- null name implies an anonymous bind
authentication CHOICE {
simple [0] OCTET STRING,
-- a zero length octet string
-- implies an unauthenticated
-- bind.
-- Other values in later versions
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-- of this protocol.
-- values as returned by krb_mk_req()
BindResponse ::= [APPLICATION 1] LDAPResult
UnbindRequest ::= [APPLICATION 2] NULL
SearchRequest ::=
baseObject LDAPDN,
baseObject (0),
singleLevel (1),
wholeSubtree (2)
derefAliases ENUMERATED {
neverDerefAliases (0),
derefInSearching (1),
derefFindingBaseObj (2),
alwaysDerefAliases (3)
sizeLimit INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt),
-- value of 0 implies no sizelimit
timeLimit INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt),
-- value of 0 implies no timelimit
attrsOnly BOOLEAN,
-- TRUE, if only attributes (without values)
-- to be returned.
filter Filter,
attributes SEQUENCE OF AttributeType
SearchResponse ::=
objectName LDAPDN,
resultCode [APPLICATION 5] LDAPResult
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ModifyRequest ::=
object LDAPDN,
modifications SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
operation ENUMERATED {
add (0),
delete (1),
replace (2)
modification SEQUENCE {
type AttributeType
values SET OF
ModifyResponse ::= [APPLICATION 7] LDAPResult
AddRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
type AttributeType,
values SET OF AttributeValue
AddResponse ::= [APPLICATION 9] LDAPResult
DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN
DelResponse ::= [APPLICATION 11] LDAPResult
ModifyRDNRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
newrdn RelativeLDAPDN -- old RDN always deleted
ModifyRDNResponse ::= [APPLICATION 13] LDAPResult
CompareRequest ::=
entry LDAPDN,
ava AttributeValueAssertion
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CompareResponse ::= [APPLICATION 15] LDAPResult
AbandonRequest ::= [APPLICATION 16] MessageID
MessageID ::= INTEGER (0 .. MaxInt)
LDAPDN ::= IA5String
RelativeLDAPDN ::= IA5String
Filter ::=
and [0] SET OF Filter,
or [1] SET OF Filter,
not [2] Filter,
equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
substrings [4] SubstringFilter,
greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
present [7] AttributeType,
approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion
LDAPResult ::=
resultCode ENUMERATED {
success (0),
operationsError (1),
protocolError (2),
timeLimitExceeded (3),
sizeLimitExceeded (4),
compareFalse (5),
compareTrue (6),
authMethodNotSupported (7),
strongAuthRequired (8),
noSuchAttribute (10),
undefinedAttributeType (11),
inappropriateMatching (12),
constraintViolation (13),
attributeOrValueExists (14),
invalidAttributeSyntax (15),
noSuchObject (20),
aliasProblem (21),
invalidDN (22),
isLeaf (23),
aliasDereferencingProblem (24),
inappropriateAuthentication (30),
invalidCredentials (31),
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insufficientAccessRights (32),
busy (33),
unavailable (34),
unwillingToPerform (35),
loopDetect (36),
namingViolation (40),
objectClassViolation (41),
notAllowedOnNonLeaf (42),
notAllowedOnRDN (43),
entryAlreadyExists (44),
objectClassModsProhibited (45),
other (50)
errorMessage IA5String
-- a zero length string signifies
-- that the server does not have
-- a string message to return
AttributeType ::= IA5String
-- text name of the attribute, or dotted
-- OID representation
AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING
AttributeValueAssertion ::=
attributeType AttributeType,
attributeValue AttributeValue
type AttributeType,
initial [0] IA5String,
any [1] IA5String,
final [2] IA5String
MaxInt ::= 65535
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